Cancellations View

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Cancellations View Video

Utilizing this module will result in recapturing cancelled patient visits and production.

The requirement to limit patient care to emergency or urgent care only has resulted in a surge of cancelled appointments for many practices. Leverage this tool to keep track of lost patient visits across your enterprise, and measure the team's success with rescheduling these patients for a future date.

Once this View has been added to a platform, navigate to the Operations Module and use the drop down window to select Cancellations.

All appointments that are identified as Cancelled or a No Show during the date range specified will be included in the data. The information is sorted into four columns:

Cancellations: Includes the number of unique patient visits that were marked as a Cancelled or No Show appointment

Cancellations $: The total dollars in production associated with the Cancelled or No Show appointment, based on what was entered into the appointment information within the PMS

Cancellations Rescheduled: Includes the number of unique patient visits that were a Cancelled or No Show appointment within the date range, but have since been successfully rescheduled

Cancellations Rescheduled $: The total dollars in production associated with the appointments that have been successfully rescheduled