Using the End of Day Module

Estimated read time: 3 mins
Using the End of Day Module Video


The End of Day Module (EODM) is a great way to receive a daily snapshot outlining a practice’s daily performance. From the EODM you can print out or email the End of Day report (EODR). Use the End of Day report as a communication and accountability tool between the office staff and the leadership team. It allows a daily report to be reviewed, which illustrates where problems are arising. Correctly interpreting this data can allow a team to make quick pivots in production or goals to address an issue before it begins gaining momentum. Think of it as a health monitor for your business.

Customizing your End of Day report

There is a lot of data that shows up in the EODM, and it is important to filter it to your needs. Showing all the information can be overwhelming, so be sure and refine the information you see on the report by going to Profile > Settings > EOD Settings and using the toggle buttons to filter what is sent out and displayed in your EODR.


The Office Goals box allows you to see your monthly production goal, remaining production, remaining days to End of the Month, and daily production needed to meet the goal.


Notes and Troubleshooting

  • The EOD report can be sent automatically, or you can send it manually using the Submit button. 
  •  You can change the time frame or stay with the default time frame to view data.
  • You can set up the individual metrics shown on the EOD report in Settings > EOD Settings.
  • To the right of the screen, you will see a Sync Percentage field. If this is not at 100 percent, the production from the entire day has not yet been added to the report.

Trouble with your EOD Report? 

We have a few troubleshooting options for you! 

  • Be sure to double-check your email address! It is easy to add an extra character or even a space at the end of your email address. Tiny mistakes like this may lead to a problem of not receiving your EOD Report in your email at the end of the night. 
  • Check your Spam folder.
  • Add to your email contacts to ensure that the email does not end up in your Junk folder.
  • Once you have reviewed the areas mentioned above, if you are still not receiving your report, please send an email to and our support team will help diagnose the issue.

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