Getting Started - Executives

Estimated read time: 5 mins

Welcome to Jarvis Analytics. As an executive leader of your company, Jarvis can assist you in a variety of ways which could include: 

  • Keeping a daily pulse on each of your locations by getting automated summaries of each location’s production. 
  • Receiving daily updates of aggregate data across all of your locations.
  • It can help you quickly identify a “proactive” approach to assessing your organization’s key metrics, in order to reach your goals before the end of the month. 
  • Finally you can receive a daily configured executive report of the most vital KPIs to your organization, allowing you to focus on what matters most. 

Instructions: Keeping these benefits in mind, click through the tabs above to learn how your role can use Jarvis daily, weekly, and monthly. It is important to understand that there are many ways to use Jarvis, and this course is just an introduction to the ways that Jarvis can be used.


If you have further questions about a module or feature, use the module section, which will teach you more about each module and its usage. Additionally look at our series of blogs, which cover excellent tips and tricks from our support team. Thanks for watching and have a great day with Jarvis Analytics.